Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Botany Aquatic Centre Swim

Still stiff neck and not feeling great but had a window to catch up with old training partners again Roger & Ian that saw us venture over to Botany Aquatic Centre, near Mascot.
Very heavy overnight rain meant we virtually had the pool to ourselves and after a 200m warm up we decided on a pretty straightforward session of 10 x 100m (off 1.45s) and 10 x 50m on the minute.
Never comfortable with my neck but got through it OK making the times followed by an even easier 200m cool down to give me 1900 for the morning.
Despite battling along I do enjoy catching up and training with these guys, neither train hard or race anymore but are still more than capable of swimming 1.25s per/100m without breaking sweat.

Finally found out who was behind the recent AnonGate episode, turns out the culprit was favourite and #1 reader the Old Stallion himself Michael Durante. Seems the Pie Eater finds time to read the blog and came out of hiding to own up.

Even though the two boys don't train - Roger (left) and Ian are still far too strong for me in the pool.

The man behind AnonGate - Michael 'Pie Eater' Durante, in one of his love-ins with partner Wildman Stevie T



  1. You look like a midget next to those guys.

  2. Timmy just to clarify I was not the one who posted the previous anonymous attacks... I was merely commenting to support you


  3. I support you Timmy just not your mediocre footie team!!!

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