Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Trying just to stay in one piece.

Caught up with the BRAT Hardmen (Enda, J.C and the Laughing Policeman Samsy) this morning to help tick the ks off, Good craic although J.C was very quiet this morning and looked in a world of hurt so much I didn’t even get one sledge out of him in 30 minutes, with him failing to even attempt the Woollarha Hill? Enda on the other hand is flying fresh from his 76 half marathon on the weekend and has a spring in his step to go with his newfound ‘Cocky attitude’ that is on show in time for Berlin . Rolled around the 6k loop in about 4.25 pace before going on to do one of the 10k outside loops at the same pace.
4.26 average all up for 15ks in total – bit shorter then I wanted but my hip was starting to niggle …………..please tell me its not another hurdle, It seems to be one battle after another these past 8 months?



  1. Please no more sob stories from you. You have more going for you than anyone... I spend one week every month in China but you don't hear me complaining!

  2. Timmy is soft like the Stoke boys Charlie

  3. What is this Bag Lindop Week? ...Jeez, kick a man when he's down why don't you.
    I see charlie is in good form and now talking it up - hope you bring your 'A Game' to the land of the Frankfurter Sausage in less then 4 weeks mate.
