Monday, September 3, 2012

Calf Kaput

With the Hammy and the calf feeling fine after a two week lay off i decided to venture out this morning to McKay Oval and do some 800s on the grass. After a warm up i was set to go and gingerly took the first rep out at a steady pace, The first 500 was OK then i could feel the calf starting to get tight, tried to convince myself it was fine and just to work through it and finished the 800 in 2.48.
A quick 90 second break and set off for the 2nd but only got as far as the 200 mark before pulling up, with the calf now Kaput, Very disappointed and dispirited again after taking two weeks off i thought i would be OK, I have another appointment with the acupuncture tomorrow so hopefully that will help again - I fear the worst and have a bad vibe that i may have a slight tear in the calf.
Looks like it means i will have to carry on and do more work on the bike and in the pool for the next few weeks, and will now have to give the Half Marathon a miss.
Its unbelievable to believe that only 4 weeks back i was training well and was all set for a solid City to Surf run .... now i cant even make it around for a 800 metre rep :(

Had a call from Enda last night and after he read my blog asked me if i could put a photo of Clyde's (Marshmallow Man's) girlfriend/wife from Saturday evenings party. I did tell him he wont be happy but he demanded i post it ........So just for Enda :)
Clyde's better Half ..... Mrs Rozza (aka Kroney) .......i do worry about that mob.

Also Guess Who ???
clue, Despite the flag he is not English, but would love to be.
        sometimes referred to as the Leech
Answer - Tomorrow

This Thursday 6th September is a Special night for some of the HuRTS crew, in particular Chairman Tommy Highnam, Shark Richie High and the Sultry Sonya as they all celebrate there birthdays,  Looking forward to a night on the town to mark the occasion with both Tom and Richie hitting the 40 mark and Sonya hitting 30 ( Tom has been telling me he is only 39 now for the past 4 years so its nice to hear that he has finally accepted reaching the milestone)
Hope to see many of the crew out for this one, and lets just hope the boys behave :)


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