Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Centennial 4 x 2k Reps

**Strewth Ruth, Stone the Crows Cobber, Fair Dinkum Mate, that was a tough session.

Early start again with work and then stayed in the park and knocked out one of my hardest sessions that i do in there, The 4 x 2 kays Woollahra Hill Reps, that includes going up a step climb for nearly 700mts within the 2ks.
Had already run 8ks with clients before so was well warmed up for the set and was soon on the way, Tried to relax on the hill and then bring it home strong on the 2nd half of the run - Buggered even after the 1st rep and was wondering if i could get 4 done, surprised on the 2nd then held on for the 3rd. Knew then i could get through the last despite feeling terrible.
Times were;
Very happy overall with that and more happy in the fact that once i got to the top of the hill i didn't die (as normal) and was able to kick it on for the 2nd k on each rep.
Hopefully getting stronger with each session.

Had a phone call last night from dear old friend Kanser, who gave me the run down on whats been happening in HuRTS land over the past week since i haven't been attending, And these are his findings i will share with you.... He's getting a right telltale :)

1. Tom H - Sick has Endaitis, and not been spotted all week
2. Big Sam gets ridiculed on Tuesday after being CHICKED and has vowed to smash Young Timmy at Lane Cove next month, and was talking very aggressively
3.Mikey Conway in tears after Kanser's delay in $50 payment from last week
4. Enda to get Fired at Macquarie on Friday ...oops Sorry, perhaps i wasn't meant to say that :)

** In reference to the opening line for today's blog, many of you will not be aware that our Irish Mate Enda Stankard is now a Fair Dinkum Aussie after getting his residency in the week, so i thought i would talk in his new lingo to make him feel at home. On closer look you will see where they have removed half his brain and left a scar................that means he'll be twice as daft you watch :)



  1. Timmy, I see the England football manager has resigned!! Oh dear.....An Italian deserting a sinking ship who would have thought!!

  2. Jesus Timmy you have been here 20 years and you still use the word "daft"
