Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tough Times.

D - Day arrived and it was back to the doctors for all the results from the tests that i have done over the past week or so. Unfortunately it wasn't the news i was looking for as i have a condition called Rhabdomyolysis, which is  the breakdown of muscle fibers that leads to the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream. Myoglobin is harmful to the kidney and often causes kidney damage.For those that want to check out more, the details are here; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001505/
Doctor said all the kidneys are OK though and hopefully i should make a FULL recovery, It does mean however i can not do any tough sessions or hard training for up to 6 weeks as they have taken a bit of a battering :( More disturbing news is the fact i can not drink any alcohol until things get back to normal..... What a great time of the year for that hey ?
So its look like i will have to take the quacks advise and take it easy over the coming weeks, bit gutted to be honest .... still we move on, and i will try to stay positive.
Seems like tough times at the moment for a few of us with Tom struggling along, Richie H has a minor back issue, Enda has his usual 27 symptoms,  although on the flip side Old Kanser is flying the HuRTS flag, and he goes from strength to strength, going to call it now...this guy will break Tom's Gold Coast time in his next Marathon :)
If you think i am doing it tough spare a thought for our Corporate King Mikey Conway..... Oh how times have hit this one time high flyer, not only did UBS not have the tent at JP Morgan this year, but MC's Hammy has since decided to twang again and restrict him just as he was starting to find form (for the 739th Time)  Times are that tough at the moment that MC was spotted looking for handouts on the streets of Phuket recently as the picture shows. He didn't want me to publish but i told him us HuRTS guys are a decent mob, so to help him out we will be passing the hat around at the presentation.......So c'mon dig deep for Mikey :)

Tough Times for Mikey Conway, if you look closer you will see he is actually wearing a pair of ladies boobs under his sign :)


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