Just finishing my first class of the morning around the park and who should i see warming up beside the Fox Studio gates? non other then Jim Carrey (Enda) and Jeff Daniels (Kanser) care of Dumb and Dumber Fame. Well i never received an invite to join them prior to today (on there secret session) but wandered over for a chat and to find out what was going on. Kanser had worked out a 1k route on the grass they were all set up for, so i thought i may join in and knock a few out to help improve on a bit of speed work.
They told me they would just roll around at 3.30 pace for the first few and go from there.......
My first rep time was 3.21 and the boys must have been a good 6 or 7 seconds ahead, Unreal. (talk about the blind leading the blind)
Second rep was slightly faster and was just happy to hold from there for the 4 i did.
Rep times were ; 3.21, 3.19, 3.20, 3.19
Enda then came out with an accusation that my times that were reported on yesterdays blog were "Pure fabrication' and saying that i was making them up. (No mate, they really are that slow these days), but he still wasn't haven't it and in turn i have since been audited by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and even had to leave my watch with Kanser at the completion of today to clarify all.
On the plus side ( and Kanser is my witness) - Enda has agreed to give me 110 seconds start in the next Striders 10k race at North Head Manly, for $50 (personally i don't think its enough but I'll take it ....)
Kanser was a little agitated this morning and seemed to have something on his mind, not sure what that's about but he kept referring to the front and back page of today's papers and asking if i had seen the Sports news over the past 24 hours?
He seems to be keeping a low profile staying away from all the HuRTS sessions this week, so lets hope the poor lads not got caught up in anything sinister.
Big Game this week in the 6 Nations over in Ireland with the visit of England, sure this game will decide the championship ( and even the Slam)
Timmy's Tip - Back the English Rose,on a score of Ireland 13 vs England 21
Managed to get a little bet on for this one, so lets hope the boys do us PROUD :)
Chatting to my old mate Ronan the other day around Kansers house and something seemed a little different about him and he looked about 8 years younger, I thought it may have been all the extra training and healthy living he is doing lately. I was all but convinced, that was until his BEST mate Kanser revelled all .......................What a mate he is :)
Don't worry Ronan, your secrets safe with me mate. I'm sure the Trash readers wont notice either?
Something different Ronan....Can't put my finger on it though?
Well guys i am also thinking of putting a self exile on the blog for a while and taking a break from it for a few weeks. Give me time to focus on getting a little form back as well as getting some new material. Anyway with Kanser returning to form - who knows he may even get his blog back online :)
Hopefully PwC will have given me the all clear on my times by the time i return.
Have a great weekend
Train Well
..And Remember , 'to Swing Low Sweet Chariot' on the early hours of Monday morning.